The Paleo Recipe Book

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Click to select the best Snack bar (1)

bar_cereals.jpgHundreds of different kinds of chocolate in bars and grocery store-bars of the proteins these days that it is difficult to determine what could possibly be a healthy choice.

I'm not usually snack bars or granola bars, chocolate, as a healthy food choice, but they are portable and convenient to eat some.

Sugar: this is one thing to check food labels. Locate the 6 grams of sugar, or less than 100 calorie bars, and about 12 grams of sugar and 200 calorie bars. Some bars are loaded with so much sugar in that they are similar to candy bars. You also want to take into account as a source of sugar. To avoid having a Brown syrup, corn syrup or fruit juice, syrups. Saturated: this is a chocolate in bars or other evil. Limiting saturated fat to 2 grams or less. Several of the characters in the include totals in the higher saturated fat because it is a cheaper source of fat. Adjusted total fat on food labels is not as important. Saturated, it is important to limit it because it can contribute to heart disease. Trans Fat on nutrition: only the facts of the case, i.e., 0 grams of trans fat doesn't mean the product is truly trans fat free. Manufacturers may contain up to 5 grams of trans fat per ... the place and advertise on the trans-fat.-. 0 grams Do not forget to read the ingredients on the search for the oils for hydrogenated list. If these oils are included in the list, you can avoid the food studies they increase cholesterol levels.Fiber: it is always good to choose a bar with two or more grams of fiber per place. I would like to recommend the selection bar with even higher fibre, if possible. This will help keep you in the whole of the fibre, until the next meal to grab.Do you have a favorite brand granola bar?

My top healthier pool bar options are Chewy bars, Gnu Kashi food Flavor and Fiber bars, Mini bars, and a Kind of Mini, the Luna bars.

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